Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Joe and Amy Fail

June has definetely flown by. We are enjoying the warm weather as long as we are not in our apartment. We do not have central air conditioning, therefore some days are not so fun. We do have two small window air-conditioners, but those don't quite cut it sometimes. Thankfully, we are both busy and do not have to spend a lot of time at home. Poor Xander.
We haven't done too many exciting things this past month. We do occassionally go on bike rides together and ride to restaurants and movie theatres. Thankfully, Joe now wears a helmet. One of his professors bought one for him and made him promise to wear it. I tried to give him a guilt trip, but he wouldn't listen to me. I have seen way too many bike accidents with head injuries at work and if they were just wearing a helmet, their injuries wouldn't have been so bad.
We enjoyed going to Mindy and Chris's new house to celebrate Father's Day. It's always fun to get together.
We hope you all have a great holiday and enjoy the fireworks!
Amy and Joe

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