The summer seems like it has flown by, even though we really haven’t done much. Our challenge lately is finding a “new normal” for us. Many of the things we used to do as a family or would like to do are just too hard or complicated now, so we have just spent most of the summer at home reading books, watching movies, playing games and playing the Wii. We did try to go camping a few weeks ago, but that didn’t work out very well with Parker and all of his special needs--but at least we tried!!! We are planning some day trips next week to some of the sights close to home, so that should be fun and hopefully not too complicated! Parker is still making good progress. He now weighs 18 pounds 10.9 ounces. We are working on getting him stronger by doing simple exercises everyday and he will be starting weekly physical therapy soon. We are so grateful that he is doing well. Kelsey and Connor are both looking forward to school and pre-school starting in the next couple of weeks and Jen is looking forward to it too--maybe she will get a little bit of a break and maybe there will be a little less fighting... Kelsey is also looking forward to being baptized next month--we can’t believe she will be eight already! Connor continues to entertain us with his unique sense of humor and view of the world around him--he’s a lot of fun. Jason has kept pretty busy this summer working on his grant from the National Science Foundation and fall term at NCSA is right around the corner. Jen is just trying to keep everyone going and maintain her sanity...
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